8bitranger! Tornado blast!

Some months (nearly a year) ago, i made a post about etripator. It’s a pc-engine rom disassembler… At that time the code was pretty ugly. Except the csv file reading and other utility functions, all the work was made in a single C file and (worst of all) in the main function. Well some people started to test it and asked for new features.
You can easily imagine that as soon as i added new features, the all code became a real mess. If i didn’t want it to become unmaintainable and buggy as hell, i had to clean it up and start thinking seriously about its design. That’s what i did during my summer vacation. After a week of mad coding and testing, what first started as a toy looks more like a real usable program now.

Ladies and gentlemen! I’m pleased to announce the first official release of etripator!

The previous test releases can be found here.

I would like to thank tomaitheous, Charles MacDonald, B.T Garner, David Shadoff, all the punks on #utopiasoft and necstasy.

Expect more releases. Mainly because it was not heavily tested and it needs some polishing (especially the documentation. The ReadMe file I wrote sucks.).

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