I’m currently playing with python and gtk. I’m trying to do a homemade package creator. The interface was made with glade, the gtk/gnome interface builder. It’s pretty easy to use. I managed to make a decent interface in about 5 minutes and here’s the result :

Unfortunately, glade can only generate C/C++ code. I searched the web for some way to create python code from glade files and i found something called Kefir.
All i had to do was to call :
python kefir.py myfile.glade
And all the interface code was generated. I now “only” need to code the core of the application. If you want to create pygtk applications under windows, you’ll need to install :
- Glade and gtk (Gaim users please take care before installing gtk 2.8.x. You won’t be able to connect)
- PyGtk
- Python 🙂
I tried Py2exe in order to create an executable out of the python source. I created some basic setup file (mostly ripped from Py2exe documentation and this tutorial). Then i typed :
python setup.py py2exe
Shazam! A directory containing all the required dlls and files was created.
Next step : start coding !