Typo negative

I cleaned up the 5×7 font rendering routine. It now uses mkit macros and variables. Here’s a little example of how to use it:

; set string length
lda    #28
sta    <_al

; set string pointer (don't forget to map it before)
lda    #low(string)
sta    <_si
lda    #high(string)
sta    <_si+1

; set vram address where the font will be rendered
lda    #$00
sta    <_di
lda    #$10
sta    <_di+1

; Here we go!
jsr    print5x7

; You can set BAT using the zp var _block containing
; the number of 8x8 bloc written

The code contained in the archive doesn’t need mkit as all the needed macros and variable declarations are included. If you want to use the font rendering with mkit, you’ll only have to include print5x7.asm and font.inc. font.inc contains both the standard 8×8 font, the 5×7 font and datas needed by the font routine.

You can download the archive [HERE].

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