IPS delivery (part 2)

Edit: The version listed in this post is buggy. Please consider using version 0.02 [link] or the current development version [link] instead.

Here it is! The gtk version of the ips patcher I wrote earlier.
It’s based on GTK. And I use Glade to create the interface.

I thought I’d have to implement zillions of callbacks but in the all I had to to is attach the IPS structure to the main window, implement a callback and add a thread.

This was also the occasion to clean up and simplify the IPS code.

You can download it [here].
Feel free to contact me or leave a comment if you have any request or problem.

Here are the mandatory screenshots!

  • Main window :

    IPS patcher main window

  • Error window (it’s a little too big in my opinion 🙂 ) :

    IPS patcher error window

  • Success window :

    IPS patcher success window

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  1. Pingback: BlockoS » IPS delivery (part 3)

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